My Nan used to call it Fancywork. Delicate stitches in colourful embroidery floss with names like "Lazy Daisy"; "Satin Stitch"; "Bullion"; and "Herringbone" - all worked on beautiful Irish linen doilies, tablecloths and pillow slips. Her linen press was a shrine to these wonderful creations. As a young girl I remember running my hand over the silken satin stitch flower petals of the doilies on her sideboard and marvelling at the intricate stitching and fine crochet edging which adorned each little masterpiece.
Over the years I have tried my hand at a number of crafts but none has given me more pleasure than embroidery and cross-stitch. The sheer luxury of being able to wile away the hours with a needle and thread and a cross-stitch piece held firmly in a wooden embroidery hoop - well, does wonders for the blood pressure I can tell you!
Sadly though, there is a limit to just how many embroidered doilies and tablecloths you can actually use in one lifetime. Friends and relatives start cringing at the thought of receiving another one my doilies - "Oh no, not another one of Sharyne's doilies....."
So when Kendall asked me at the start of the year if I would do a Wedding Stitchery for a friend's wedding - I just jumped at the chance. (The fact that I didn't get around to starting it till last Sunday and the wedding was yesterday - well, that's another story!)
Hopefully Ashley and Cindy get as much joy from this little piece of fancywork that I did in making it.
Your post reminded me of my grandma, she did the same 'fancywork' and I have it still. She lived to be 102 so it must have kept her going.
ReplyDeleteI love your stitchery, your fingers must have been flying!
Hugs, Angela.
I have a wedding to go to on the 30th. Think I could whip one of these out by then? Me thinks not. It is really unique. Such a special gift!
ReplyDeleteThat's just so beautiful Sharynne, I'm sure the happy couple were delighted. Lovely memories of your nan influencing your talents.
It's LOVELY!! Your lucky friends will be thrilled, I think. You are quite the Craft Queen!!
Know what you mean I prefer hand stitching to machine any day,and friends have received stitched gifts whether the like them or not lol. I love your embroidery.